Personal noise exposure monitor for industrial noise measurement

Personal noise exposure monitor [DoseBadge5]

Do you need to measure occupational noise exposure? The personal noise exposure monitor is easy to use, reliable and precise.

The personal sound meter complies with OSHA, ACGIH and ISO 1996 standards, ensuring your workplace meets all regulations and that your employees remain safe.

Contact Cirrus Research plc today.

Accurate personal noise exposure monitor for industrial workplaces

The DoseBadge5 personal sound level meter provides everything you need to measure noise in your workplace:

  • High-precision noise measurement.
  • Easy-to-use and robust design.
  • Bluetooth connectivity.
  • Compliant with OSHA, ACGIH and ISO 1996 regulations.
  • NoiseTools software, allowing you to create reports on your PC.
  • 15-year warranty.

Cirrus Research plc has been manufacturing acoustic measurement devices since 1970. As the market-leaders in noise measurement, they guarantee precise, easy to use and reliable equipment.

Contact them today to find out more about the personal noise exposure monitor.

Features and benefits of the personal noise exposure monitor

Features Benefits

No external controls, cables or displays

A simple, robust design ensures ease of use and longevity.

Bluetooth connectivity

Connect your dosimeter to the DoseBadge5 controller or your phone with an Android or iOS app.

Timer functions

Schedule start and stop times, allowing you to record measurements exactly when you need them.

Shock and motion sensors

Internal sensors detect impact, making measurements more accurate.

NoiseTools software included

Download your data to a computer and create easy-to-read reports.

Multiple device charging

Charge up to five devices at once, saving you time.
15-year warranty Your dosimeter has a long life and provides excellent return on investment.
Compliant with OSHA, ACGIH and ISO 1996 regulations. Ensures your workplace complies with occupational noise exposure regulations, keeping your employees safe.

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Contact Cirrus Research plc

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