Global SEO Platform

Export Worldwide [global SEO platform]

Export Worldwide is a global SEO platform that localizes content for international markets, and promotes your products or services across the world.

SEO is an important marketing technique for increasing search engine ranking. However, most websites can only be found on their domestic search engines. Export Worldwide uses localization techniques to make content accessible in 110 countries and to 84% of the worldwide trade market. 

Ensure your business can be found globally. Join Export Worldwide.

What is the global SEO platform?

Export Worldwide is an international SEO platform that localizes content to make your business visible globally.

The international platform can be used to include the cultural differences between languages when optimizing content. This makes it understandable and appropriate for foreign markets. It also optimizes content with the correctly translated keywords to increase its search engine ranking. This ensures that your products and services are visible on international search engines.

What does the global SEO platform do?

Export Worldwide uses the following localization process to optimise multilingual content:

  • Research is conducted on your business. The research enables Export Worldwide to understand the products or services offered, industry, and your competitors.
  • Keyword research is conducted to discover what potential customers are searching for both nationally and internationally.
  • The most relevant and successful keywords are selected from the list.
  • Content is written around the keywords using SEO techniques.
  • The content is translated into a total of 20 languages using hybrid translation.
  • The translations are localized. This includes analysing the cultural differences between languages to ensure the content is understandable.
  • The translations and translated keywords are optimised using international SEO techniques.
  • The content is then visible on international search engines.

Why use the global SEO platform?

Most online searches are made in the client’s own language. When a customer searches online, your business is unlikely to appear on international versions of search engines such as Google and Bing. Instead, companies that utilize international SEO and localization will appear. This makes it difficult for potential foreign customers to find you. It also means that you miss out on a huge number of clients worldwide.

Export Worldwide ensures that your business is visible worldwide.

The multilingual SEO platform localizes content in 20 languages. These languages are spoken in 110 countries and by 84% of the world trade market. This means that when a potential customer searches in their own language, your business will appear.

Contact us to show you how we can promote your products worldwide.

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