Professional translation and proofreading services

Professional translation and proofreading services [Export Worldwide]

Do you need professional translation and proofreading services? Export Worldwide specialises in helping your business achieve international success by using translated marketing content. You can sell into international markets and gain customers from around the world.

Export Worldwide offers two levels of translation:

  • Hybrid translation: translations are created using Export Worldwide’s translation engine. The results are checked for accuracy by a human proofreader.
  • Human translation: native speakers translate your content.

Contact Export Worldwide to find out more.

Professional translation and proofreading services for international success

Over half of the world’s population uses the Internet, and online shopping gets more popular every year. The Internet provides a huge opportunity for you to market your brand overseas and gain international customers.

International success depends on translated content, as 72.4 percent of consumers want to buy products in their own language.

Export Worldwide helps small to medium businesses enter new markets by using translated content. Export Worldwide provides fast, professional translation and proofreading services. You gain global brand awareness and new customers from around the world.

Human translation

Export Worldwide works with experienced translators who are native speakers of your target languages. Translators have a range of industry experience, so the best translator can be matched to your brand.

Human translators ensure that your brand is represented consistently in all languages. Translators work as a team to proofread your content and guarantee that it is of the highest accuracy and quality.

Human translation is ideal for long content, such as websites and blogs.

Hybrid translation

Hybrid translation involves a translation engine and human proofreader. By hosting your pages on the Export Worldwide platform, your pages rank highly in foreign search engines.

Hybrid translation is ideal for product pages of 300-500 words in length. The process is simple and cost-effective:

  1. The Export Worldwide translation engine completes an initial translation of your content.
  2. A human proofreader then checks the content for accuracy by translating it back into the first language.
  3. If the translation is not accurate, then the human proofreader rewrites the problematic parts until a satisfactory translation is achieved.
  4. Your pages are hosted on the Export Worldwide platform. You receive high search engine rankings, valuable market data and a proven boost in web traffic to your own site.

Hybrid translation provides accurate translations in the fastest, most cost-effective way possible. The Export Worldwide platform ensures that your pages are found by international searchers.

Whether you choose human or hybrid translation, Export Worldwide helps you break into new markets, achieve international brand awareness and gain new customers from across the world.

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