NTP server synchronization for Windows

Time Sync [NTP server synchronization]

Galleon Systems offers an NTP server synchronization software called TimeSync. The TimeSync NTP client software can be used on Windows operated PCs, workstations, and networks. TimeSync requests the time from the NTP server, adjusts the time by taking delays into consideration, checks the time against the system's time and corrects the time if a discrepancy is found.

This ensures all computers in the network, workstations, or individual PCs have synchronized accurate time.

Contact us now for more information.

Benefits of NTP server synchronization

  • DHCP or static IP addressable
  • Accurate time synchronized across your network
  • Unicast/Broadcast software
  • High accuracy with time stamps
  • Easy to set up - zero configuration required, simple interface
  • Auditable – event log and file logging systems
  • Secure – locked to an IP address

User licenses for TimeSync software

Users Product code

5 users license


10 users license


100 users license


200 users license


300 users license


Galleon Systems

Galleon Systems has over 20 years of experience in providing network time servers, time synchronization, and network clocks. Galleon Systems products are used worldwide to provide accurate time.

Galleon Systems products are used by Buckingham Palace, 3M, Rolls-Royce, Vodafone, Tesco, Ford, Bank of England, Sharp, Kellogg, Shell, and many more.

Galleon System offers the following:

  • GPS network time servers
  • GPS time receiver
  • Radio time receiver
  • NTP/SNTP servers
  • NTP digital clocks
  • PoE analogue clocks

Contact us now to discuss which option would best suit your requirements.

Contact Galleon Systems

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