Budgeting and budgetary control in the public sector training for managers

budgeting and budgetary control in public sector: book, online assessments, and CPD courses [budgeting and budgetary control in public sector]

Effective budgeting and budgetary control in public sector organisations is more important than ever. Public organisations often lack the resources to meet the demand for their services. Managers who are responsible for budgeting with limited financial resources, often do not have formal financial qualifications, and would benefit from further training.

HB Publications offer several resources to train managers with budgeting skills for the public sector.

  • Book/eBook: Managing the devolved Budget, 2nd edition
  • Online assessments: Budget setting skills and budget monitoring and control
  • Continuous professional development (CPD) courses

Book/eBook: Managing the devolved budget, 2nd edition

This book is especially good for people with no formal training in budgeting and budgetary control in public sector organisations.

The book provides a simple guide to budget setting and control. The book helps managers develop and manage realistic budgets, which make the most of limited financial resources. This ensures the ongoing provision of public sector services, and the longevity of the public organisation.

The book includes activities which test and apply knowledge to real life situations. It is written in an easy to read style, which makes it accessible to employees at all levels. It is available in print and eBook format.

  • Title: Managing the Devolved Budget, 2nd edition
  • Series: Essential Skills for the Public Sector
  • Authors: Jennifer Bean and Lascelles Hussey
  • Language: English
  • Publication date: 2011
  • Publisher: HB Publications
  • ISBN: 978 1899448 722
  • Size: 150x210
  • Pages: 156

Contact HB Publications for details about the contents of the book.

Online assessments of budgeting and budgetary control in public sector organisations

HB Publications provide two online assessments that test the knowledge of financial decision makers.

  1. Budget Setting Skills
  2. Budget Monitoring and Control

Each assessment generates a report with the score and areas for improvement. This allows you to identify topics for further training.

The online assessments are cost-effective and easy to use, so are accessible to public sector organisations. Three attempts at each assessment are allowed, so learners can take the test again after further training.

  1. Budget setting skills
  • What is a budget
  • Budget setting is important
  • Budget setting process
  • Budget setting techniques
  • Cash limited budgets
  • Budget factors
  • Budget setting assumptions
  • Budgeting -v- costing
  • Calculating unit cost
  • Activity based budgeting
  • Budgeting for salaries
  • Demand led budgets
  • Profiling budgets
  • Forecasting income
  • Crucial factors for successful budgeting

       2. Budget monitoring and control

  • Budget monitoring
  • Steps in the monitoring process
  • Establishing actual income and expenditure
  • Commitment accounting
  • Variance analysis
  • Calculating variances
  • Reasons for variances
  • What to do about variances
  • Budget control factors
  • Uncontrollable variances
  • Taking action to control variances
  • Budget virement
  • Demand led budgets
  • Responsibility for budget monitoring
  • Monthly monitoring routines
  • Projecting outturns
  • Financial management information
  • Budget monitoring reports

Continuous professional development (CPD) courses

HB Publications provide three CPD courses to train managers in budgeting and budgetary control in public sector organisations.

  1. Budget setting, management and control

This course covers all aspects of budget setting, management and control, including training in variance analysis and commitment accounting. The course can be customised for your organisation.

     2. Managing the devolved budget (self-study)

This course consists of the book, “Managing the Devolved Budget,” and an online assessment (details above). The course is for public sector managers who have no previous experience of budget control.

     3. Managing budgets in the public and non-profit sector (online course)

This online course helps managers monitor and control budgets. It enables managers to deliver the organisation’s objectives, with limited financial resources.

Contact HB Publications using the form below to find out more about these CPD courses.

About HB Publications

HB Publications is a provider of books, online assessments, CPD courses, and training and consultancy to the public sector. HB Publications staff have over 25 years’ experience of training public sector and non-profit organisations all over the world.

Contact HB Publications for more information about training in budgeting and budgetary control in public sector organisations.

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