Improve your public sector business planning with these resources

Business planning [Public sector business planning]

Public sector business planning is an essential step to ensure the organization’s long term viability, success and sustainability. It is important to therefore have clearly set goals, action plans, financial strategies, and the managerial capabilities to ensure the best possible service is provided from the public funds available.

HB Publications provides the following

  • Books/eBooks: Business planning in the public sector, Strategic financial planning for the public sector, and The public sector manager
  • Online financial competency assessment: Business planning

Contact HB Publications for more information.

Public sector business planning: Book

The books are part of the series called, ‘Essential skills for the public sector’. All books include examples and practical exercises to help learners apply their theoretical knowledge in real life situations. The books are written in a simple style to make it accessible to all involved in the business planning process.

Business planning in the public sector

This book explains the following for public sector and nonprofit organizations:  process of identifying a clear goal, SMART objectives, and different effective strategies and action plans.

The book provides a framework within which public services can be provided and constantly developed, regardless of obstacles.

Strategic financial planning for the public sector

This book explains the importance of strategic financial planning. Effective planning ensures the organization can provide quality services with the resources available.  The book provides different ideas on how to effectively use financial resources to fulfil the organization’s long term goals.

The book includes topics such as: financial planning process, risk analysis, resource management strategies, income generation, and cost benefit analysis.

The public sector manager

This book focuses on the skills and knowledge a public sector manager requires. It includes topics such as: crucial attributes of a manager, customer focus, management techniques, decision making, value for money, quality service provision, and entrepreneurship.

Contact us now for more information about public sector business planning books.

Public sector business planning: Online competency assessment

Business planning

The financial competency assessments include additional resources for training. They test the level of skill and knowledge of individual staff. After completion of the assessment, a report is provided to indicate the level of competency achieved. In total, three attempts of the assessments are permitted. The questions are taken from a databank of questions.

The content of the business planning assessment and training material include:

  • Hierarchy of plans
  • Working within a corporate framework
  • Having a goal
  • Setting aims and objectives
  • Identifying key targets
  • Performance indicators
  • Business planning process
  • Attributes of a business plan
  • Business plan contents
  • Organisational analysis
  • SWOT and PEST
  • Priority matrix
  • Scenario planning
  • Risk assessment
  • Contingency planning
  • Developing action plans
  • Linking the business plan to financial plans and budgets
  • Understanding cost implications of actions
  • Business plan implementation
  • Monitoring, review and revision
  • Activity based business plans
  • Business planning cycle

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