Real-time noise measuring device for professional use

noise measuring device [Model 33(2)]

Conduct detailed, accurate and comprehensive acoustic assessments with the professional noise measuring device. The model 33 noise meter combines exceptional performance with ease of use. Simultaneous measurement of all noise parameters gives you complete noise data in a single recording. Choose from class 1 or class 2.

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High-performance noise measuring device

The model 33 noise measuring device provides high-performance technology in an easy-to-use, handheld unit. Available as a class 1 (model 33) or class 2 (model 33-2) sound meter.

Simple button operation allows anyone to use the sound meter with minimal training. The noise meter takes measurements every 125 milliseconds, giving you in-depth data about sound levels in your workplace or environment. The device automatically records all noise parameters/octave bands, so you get all the data you need for legally compliant noise assessments.

Use the handheld noise meter for industrial noise assessments and environmental monitoring. The unit’s large memory and an optional weatherproof kit make the model 33 ideal for long-term noise measurement outdoors. Optional remote management allows you to see your noise data in real time on a PC while your sound meter is installed outside.

The model 33 sound meter is ideal for:

  • Environmental noise monitoring
  • Acoustic prescription of hearing protection
  • Outdoor noise measurements (with weatherproof kit)
  • Building acoustic measurements
  • Industrial noise measurements
  • Vehicle noise testing

Contact Pulsar Instruments to learn more.

Noise measuring device features and benefits

Features Benefits
Choose class 1 or class 2 Ideal for professional use in any industry. Choose class 1 or 2 accuracy depending on your needs.
Takes measurements every 125 milliseconds Record highly detailed noise data that gives you all the information you need to create in-depth noise reports.
Simultaneous measurement of all noise parameters Quickly and easily get all the information you need in a single recording. Automatic measurement of all parameters means you get everything you need for legally compliant noise reports every time.
Complies with international standards Use the model 33 noise measuring device in any industry and country.
Comes with Acoustic Toolbox and Analyzer Plus software Download your data to a computer and create user-friendly reports on sound levels in your workplace.
64Mb memory Store large amounts of noise data on the unit. Ideal for long-term environmental noise assessments.
Two-year warranty Be confident in the longevity and reliability of your noise meter.

Model 33 technical specifications

  • Accuracy: Available as class 1 or 2
  • Measurement range: 22dB to 137dB(A), 23dB to 137dB(C), 27dB to 137dB(Z)
  • Size (millimetres): 341 x 82 x 19
  • Power: 2 AA batteries
  • Memory: 64Mb
  • Display: Backlit LCD screen
  • Weight: 550g with batteries
  • Operating temperature: -10°C to +50°C
  • Compliance: Class 1 - EN 60651:1994, EN 60804:2000, EN 61260:1995, IEC 61672-1:2002, ANSI S1.4:1983, ANSI S1.43:1997, ANSI S1.11:1986. Class 2 - EN 60651:1994 EN 60804:2000, EN 61260:1995, IEC 61672- 1:2002, ANSI S1.4:1983, ANSI S1.43:1997, ANSI S1.11:1986

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