Sliding head cutting oil recovery system for machining centres

Sliding head cutting oil recovery system [Oil saver]

The sliding head cutting oil recovery system reduces waste in machining centres. Install the oil saver kit on your cutting machines to pump oil from swarf bins back to machines. You reuse up to 50 percent of your cutting oil, which saves you time and money.

Contact Wogaard to learn more.

Cut costs with the sliding head cutting oil recovery system

The CNC oil recycling system has a vacuum head that goes in the bottom of a swarf bin. The kit pumps used oil from the bin back to the machine’s oil reservoir. By reusing your neat oil, you reduce disposal costs, cut waste and save money.

The oil saver kit receives power from the machine’s oil pump, so it doesn’t require an additional power source. The kit is easy to install and simple to use, so it’s suitable for any business. Multiple fitting kits are available, so the oil saver works on almost any sliding head machine/lathe.

The sliding head cutting oil recovery system contains:

  • Oil saver unit
  • Vacuum head with non-return valve
  • Three-metre, six-millimetre polyurethane hose (can be extended to five metres)
  • One-metre, 12-millimetre hose outlet
  • T-fitting and straight-fitting kits (for sliding head machines with larger hoses)
  • Instruction manual and technical support
  • One-year warranty

Request prices and full specifications from Wogaard.

Features and benefits of the Wogaard oil saver

Features Benefits
Allows you to reuse up to 50% of neat oil You reduce disposal costs and save money. The oil saver provides a great return on investment. It also helps the environment by reducing waste.
Keeps swarf/waste clean and dry Your waste has a higher resale value, so you earn more money from it.
Automatically reclaims oil from swarf bins Your employees don’t have to manually empty your industrial bins, so they save time.
Works from the cutting machine’s power supply You can use the oil recovery system without an additional power supply, making it easy to install.
Suitable for most cutting machines You can receive the time and money saving benefits of the oil saver on almost any machine.

Testimonials from users of sliding head cutting oil recovery system

Wogaard coolant and oil recovery systems are installed all over the world. The company has a wide base of happy customers.


“We have reduced the time wasted topping up the oil in the sump of the machines, negated the risk of neat oil leaking onto the shop floor and saved our labourers’ time.”


“There is no way we would go back to a shop floor without the coolant and oil savers fitted to our machines…. The swarf bins are clean and dry with material that is ready to be recycled.”

Seco Tools

“The savings are significant and the return on investment is fast.”

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