Save money with a machine coolant recycling kit

Machine coolant recycling equipment reduces waste in machining industries. Wogaard’s coolant recycling equipment reclaims coolant from

Save money with machine tool coolant recycling

Use the machine tool coolant recycling kit to reduce waste and save money. The Wogaard coolant saver reclaims coolant from your swarf/waste

Sliding head cutting oil recovery system for machining centres

The sliding head cutting oil recovery system reduces waste in machining centres. Install the oil saver kit on your cutting machines to pump

Sliding head cutting oil recycling system for machining centres

The sliding head cutting oil recycling system reclaims neat oil from your chip bin and returns it to the machine. You can reuse up to 50

Wogaard coolant saver kit

Wogaard coolant saver technology Save up to 50 percent of CNC machine coolant and reduce disposal costs with the Wogaard coolant saver kit.