Veterinarians and animal welfare campaigners have campaigned for animals to be stunned before killing for many years. This includes meat classified as ‘Halal’
The rules of the halal meat are based on Islamic law. This describes that the animal must be healthy and alive at the time of slaughter and that the blood must be drained out.
Many people who use the Halal method believe that the animal is killed by the stun tool, especially small animals and poultry. This would go against their law, as the animal needs to be alive during slaughter.
Accles & Shelvoke has developed a range of stun tool for halal slaughter that stun animals without killing them. This ensures that the laws of halal slaughter are abided by.
The The Accles & Shelvoke CASH Concussion range of stun tools deliver a percussive force to the head of the animal using a non-penetrative bolt. This ensures that the animal remains alive.
The stun tools are available with a variety of different cartridges, all suitable for different sized animals.
The method is compliant with the requirements of Islamic law, whilst being still being a compassionate way to stun the animal.

CASH Special Concussion stun tool for halal slaughter
The Accles & Shelvoke CASH Special is a leading bolt stun tool. It is more versatile, efficient, and dependable than its competitors.
The CASH Special Concussion tool has a modern and balanced design. It uses a convex head to deliver a percussive force to the head of the animal. The bolt then automatically returns into the muzzle
The pistol shaped frame ensures ease of use, and the durable, rubber grip makes is secure. The gun loads quickly, and the cartridges immediately extract.
The concussion tool is available in .22” and .25” calibre. It is a versatile stun gun that can stun a wide range of small to medium sized animals.

CASH Small Animal stun tool for halal slaughter
The CASH Small Animal Tool is used to stun poultry and other small animals.
Most other stun tools are too powerful for turkeys, chickens, piglets, and other small animals. The CASH small animal tool was designed to stun these animals more effectively.
Two different types of concussion head are available. The rounded head is recommended for broilers and hens, and the convex head is intended for turkeys and other small animals.
The Small Animal tool is powered by a .22” calibre cartridge. It solves many of the animal welfare problems associated with stunning poultry and other small animals.

CASH Magnum Concussion stun tool for halal slaughter
The CASH Magnum Concussion is the most powerful Accles & Shelvoke stun tool. It is an extremely effective tool, using a concussive head and a wide range of .25” calibre cartridges. This makes it ideal for small to extremely heavy animals, such as large bulls.
The non-penetrating head delivers a sharp blow to the head of the animal, rendering it unconscious and ready for slaughter. This reduces the suffering of the animal.
A Free-Flight bolt makes the stun tool more effective. This allows for the full force of the cartridge to be transferred to the animal.